Please take a moment to review the booking and cancellation policies. They’re right here for you to read through.

Permanent makeup services require some preparation before the appointment and require specific care after.

Please take a moment to read and become familiar with the pre and post care instructions for your appointment.



It is recommended that you arrange at least a month in advance. A fee of $100 will be applied for no-show & last-minute cancellation to reschedule.

Late arrival

Please contact me if you will be up to 15 minutes late. More than 15 minutes late will be considered a no-show.

Pre-screening required

Please fill out the submission form first if you’re a new client.

No Guests

Additional guests will not be accommodated at your appointment.

Fresh Start

I do not touch up areas that are done by another artist. please consult before booking to determine If I can work over it.

No Refunds

Refunds will not be provided for any services rendered.


Deposit is required and it is an industry wide policy which ensure that I am able to help everyone that schedules and to also make sure we only give appointment slots to people who are serious about getting their brows done.

A non-refundable deposit of $100 is required to secure your appointment.

Touch Up

Touch up appointment will be charged separately according to how many weeks it has been since the appointment. 

Thank you for taking the time to read the policies above. Your cooperation is appreciated. By booking an appointment you agree to all the terms and condition on this page. 

I look forward to meeting you.

You can come in for an in-person consultation to find out what service will be best fit for you. If you’re interested to see what’s possible for you with permanent makeup, I’ll sketch it out for you in pencil so you can see what it could look like.

Pre & Post Care

I want only the best for you. The following rules should be followed to make sure your skin is in the best shape possible for the best results.

Before you visit


Do not drink coffee, alcohol or energizing drinks on the day before and of procedure. This will minimize any oozing/bleeding or swelling during the procedure.


Do not take Aspirin, Fish Oil, Niacin, Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen or blood


You must be off Accutane or any prescribed acne medications for 1 year. 

NO Exceptions!


If you are used to getting your brows tinted, do at least 1 week prior to the permanent makeup procedure.


Do not tan or sunbathe 30 days before and after the procedure.


If you get your eyebrows waxed, threaded, please have this done at least 72 hours prior to your scheduled procedure. It is recommended to grow your brow hair as much as you can.


Do not have any chemical peels, micro dermabrasions, micro needling, or any other intense treatments which will cause faster skin cell rejuvenating and cause skin irritation 3-4 weeks before the procedure.


Wash your hair before the procedure.

After the treatment


 Do not get your brows directly wet; water, ocean, pool, sweating or any other liquids for 10-14 days after the treatment. No sweating (of any kind), gym, yoga, swimming for the 10 days. If you work out regularly results may heal more faded and result in a sheer powdered look due to the oils the body produces when it gets heated and sweaty.


No Make Up on the brows for 10 -14 days or until the brows have fully shed on their own.


Specific instructions (depending on your procedure) will be given to you before you leave the office. You may be asked to clean the area with a small amount of water and aftercare soap. This will help remove any excess lymph, blood and pigment that may appear after the procedure.


After 10 days or when the brows have fully shed you may use a gentle soap or non-greasy facial cleanser to keep the eyebrows clean.


Do not use other ointments, cream with vitamins or antibiotics on eyebrows during the healing process.


No sunbathing or tanning for 4 weeks. No direct sun exposure.


No Retinols, AHA’s, exfoliating treatments, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, botox and any other strong treatments for 6-8 weeks after your procedure.


Smoking will cause the pigment to fade prematurely, and anesthetics will not last as long.

Get in touch

Have questions? 

Send me a message and I’ll get back to you promptly.